Women Under the Taliban
An Afghani woman wearing a burqa displays her business school degree which she received prior to the Taliban taking power. Under the Taliban, she was forbidden to work or study.

Spc. Adam Zaremba, who lost his leg in combat Iraq, photographed at Ft. Riley Kansas at the Cavalry Museum on base. 2004

PFC Randall Clunen, 19-years-old, an infantryman with the 101st Airborne stationed in Tal Afar, Iraq, a town near the Syrian border, was on guard duty the night of December 8, 2003, when a suicide bomber broke through the perimeter and blew himself up along with his vehicle. 58 soldiers were wounded in the attack including Clunen. The blast sent chunks of shrapnel into Clunen's face causing heavy bleeding and massive structural damage to his jaw and cheek. An emergency tracheotomy was performed so that he could breathe. He has had three surgeries and has several more to go. Photographed in his home in Salem, Ohio, February 14, 2004.

Sgt. 1st Class, Joseph Mosner, 35, 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, was injured December 16, 2003 in Baghdad when a roadside bomb exploded. The blast ripped apart the left side of his face, his left ear and and took off his scalp down to the skull. He broke both of his legs, punctured a hole in his left bicep down to the bone, and sent shrapnel into his arms and chest. Photographed at his home on base at Ft. Riley, Kansas, April 9, 2004.

The Fabian Dale Dominguez State Jail
Inmates behind the fence at the Fabian Dale Dominguez State Jail during the last recreational period of the evening.

Stealth Bomber, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 2007

Marines land attack helicopters, paint children in camouflage and unfurl infantry weapons, including pistols with silencers for the public's amusement with the unspoken aim of recruiting new marines. Orchard Beach, Bronx, NY 2007

Big Jesus statue at Solid Rock Church, a Megachurch with 3,000 members, in Monroe, Ohio

The Language of Money Hedge #22

A volunteer gardener at Finca Del Sur, a yaer old garden in the South Bronx, tends the corn stalks while a passenger train goes by in the background. The garden was created on an empty plot of land bordered by a high way exit ramp and a commuter train line. Volunteers grew, corn, cabbage, eggplant, apples, peppers, etc. In 2011, La Finca Del Sur (The point of the south) will be the location for a newly created farm school

Danise Infante, a high school student, rows a boat she helped build, in the Bronx River. She built the boat at an after school program called "Rocking the Boat," a program that teaches high school students how to build boats and teach the public about the Bronx River. Access to the river had been blocked by dump sites and vacant lots. Environmental community activists are transforming the river into a greenway zone. Danise says her experience has helped turn her into an environmental activist.
The Border Town of Juarez
A 16-year-old girl waits at a bus stop, from which other young women have been abducted, in order to get to work.
A cat on a terrace near a Chesapeake drill rig
Tamara Horn and her sone Aidan whose water was contaminated after Cabot started drilling and fracking in the region. A methane vent takes methane from the contaminated well.