Newsroom — NOOR


Pep Bonet windsurfs in Sà Rapita, Mallorca

Nikon European Ambassador Pep Bonet shares with us from Mallorca his latest windsurfing in Sà Rapita, with music by Mallorcan band The Full Metal Jackets .

Pep Bonet broke the Spanish Windsurf record at 51,12 knots at the Luderitz Speed Challenge, and is currently 11th on the Worldwide Speed Windsurfing ranking.

Bénédicte Kurzen & Sanne De Wilde, nominated for a World Press Poto

NOOR and the NOOR Foundation are very proud to announce that Bénédicte Kurzen and Sanne De Wilde have been nominated for the World Press Photo Contest, Portrait Stories.


Bénédicte Kurzen and Sanne De Wilde have been nominated for the World Press Photo Contest, Portrait series with their collaborative photographic project Land of Ibeji discovering the mythology of twinhood in Nigeria. The rate of twin births in West Africa is about four times higher than in the rest of the world. The centre of this twin zone is Igbo-Ora, a sleepy southwest town in Nigeria. “Ibeji” meaning 'double birth' and ‘the inseparable two’ in Yoruba stands for the ultimate harmony between two people.

On receiving their nomination, Bénédicte Kurzen and Sanne De Wilde shared:

"The project is an invitation to look beyond identity as appearance and beyond the exoticism of the identical by calling upon a universal mythological figure: The Twin. It is an invitation for the viewer to travel back into the past and through that rediscover the present and move into the future.

We hope the ‘Ibeji’ project will inspire other creators. We would love for Nigerian artists to contribute from their perspective and expand on the project. We are very grateful for the participation and patience of the people we photographed and the time they spent with us.

We also want to thank Nikon Europe in believing and supporting this challenging project and allowing us to develop this project fully."


This project was graciously supported by the Nikon Europe Ambassador program.

Arctic: New Frontier, exhibited at Saatchi Gallery, from March 15th onwards!


We are pleased to invite you to the opening of the exhibition “Arctic: New Frontier,” by 9th edition laureates Yuri Kozyrev and Kadir van Lohuizen (NOOR), at Saatchi Gallery in London on March 15th!

Open to the public until May 5th, this pioneering double polar expedition chronicles the journey of photojournalists Yuri and Kadir as they document the irreversible impact climate change has had on the entire Arctic territory. The exhibition of over 50 photographs and 6 videos “provides a masterful and salutary insight into one of the major challenges of the coming years” (L’Express, November 15th, 2018).

Displayed at London’s Saatchi Gallery, which has been hosting the Carmignac Photojournalism Award for the fifth consecutive year, “Arctic: New Frontier” is accompanied by a bilingual French-English catalogue co-published by Fondation Carmignac and Reliefs Editions. It will be available at the Saatchi Gallery bookstore and throughout the network of bookstores in the UK and Europe.

Admission for "Arctic: New Frontier" is free.

About the Carmignac Photojournalism Award:
The 9th Edition of the Carmignac Photojournalism Award supports an investigative photojournalism report that will shed light on the challenges facing the Arctic and that will highlight the consequences climate change might have on the planet.

In 2009, while media and photojournalism faced an unprecedented crisis, Edouard Carmignac created the Carmignac Photojournalism Award to sup- port photographers in the field.

Directed by Emeric Glayse, it funds annually the production of an investigative photo reportage on human rights violations, geostrategic and environmental issues in the world. Selected by an international jury, the laureate receives a grant, enabling them to carry out in-depth research on the ground, with logistical support from Fondation Carmignac. The latter presents a travelling exhibition and the publication of a monograph upon their return. At the end of each edition, four photographs bequeathed by the laureates are included in the Carmignac collection.

About the Fondation Carmignac:
Created in 2000 under the initiative of Édouard Carmignac, Fondation Carmignac is a corporate foundation with two main strands: an art collection of close to 300 works, and the annual Carmignac Photojournalism Award. Villa Carmignac, an exhibition space on Porquerolles Island in Southern France, showcases the collection and hosts a programme of cultural and artistic activities. 

Furious Beauty: The Life and Times of Stanley Greene, exhibited in Moscow, Russia.

RU: Выставка "Яростная красота: Жизнь и время Стенли Грина" под кураторством Анной Шпаковой проходит в Мультимедиа Арт Музее в Москве до 17 февраля.

EN: "Furious Beauty: The Life and Times of Stanley Greene," a show curated by Anna Shpakova, is currently exhibited until the 17th of February at the Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow.


Yuri Kozyrev documents the remote community of Vissarion for deVolkskrant

For de Volkskrant, Yuri Kozyrev uncovers the remote community of Vissarion deep into Siberia, where they worship their leader, who says being the reincarnation of Jesus. Check out this fascinating story in the latest Volkskrant feature.

Pep Bonet windsurfs in Sà Rapita, Mallorca

To start this Monday with energy, #NikonEuropeanAmbassador Pep Bonet shares with us from Mallorca his latest windsurfing in Sà Rapita, with music by The Full Metal Jackets.

Pep Bonet broke the Spanish Windsurf record at 51,12 knots at the Luderitz Speed Challenge, and is currently 11th on the Worldwide Speed Windsurfing ranking.