Announcing participants of kazakhstan documentary photography training program — NOOR

Announcing participants of kazakhstan documentary photography training program

Together with Soros Foundation KazakhstanNOOR Education is happy to announce the ten participants selected for the 2017 Kazakhstan NOOR-SFK Documentary Photography Training Program.


The program has been developed to encourage and support photojournalists, documentary photographers and visual storytellers from Kazakhstan. Over the course of the program, participants will develop a social-interest photo story under the guidance of Tanya HabjouqaSebastian Liste and NOOR Alumni – Timur Karpov, Elyor Nematov and Daria Tuminas. The training will include online sessions and field work during August and September to prepare participants for the intensive four-day workshop taking place in Almaty from 12 to 15 October 2017.


The participants, six male photographers and four female photographers, were selected from over 50 applicants from Kazakhstan. We thank all candidates for sending over their applications and all the time you have spent on your portfolio. The selected ten are: 


Oleg Bitner

Timur Epov

Maria Grinkevich

Bahtiyar Kelis

Viktoriya Li

Bek Maratov

Sanat Ongarbaev

Vladimir Tretyakov

Lyailya Turlybekova


The training program is free-of-cost for participants and it is made possible through the generous support of Soros Foundation Kazakhstan and Open Society Foundation’s Documentary Photography Project, with additional support from Nikon Kazakhstan and through partnership with MediaNet.