Introducing 48 Stories — NOOR

Introducing 48 Stories

For Israelis, May 1948 marks the creation of the State of Israel. For Palestinians, it marks the Nakba (‘catastrophe’): more than 700.000 Palestinians were forced out of their homes.

Today – exactly 70 years later – those 700.000 have exceeded six million. 48 Storiespresents the personal stories of Palestinians who witnessed the events and shows where they live today.

© Kadir van Lohuizen / NOOR

© Kadir van Lohuizen / NOOR

48 Stories: Mapping the Palestinian diaspora

48 Stories presents the personal stories of Palestinians who witnessed the events and shows where they live today. This project was produced by NOOR, the NOOR Foundation, Palestinian and other photographers from the Middle East, designers Kummer & Herrman and Paradox48 Stories sheds new light on the representation of the Palestinian diaspora.

The project documents the memories and everyday lives of Palestinians, both 1948 survivors and their descendants. Many of them live in Gaza, the West Bank or Israel but the vast majority is spread around the world; they are based in (former) refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria or Jordan, have settled in countries like the US, Chile and the Netherlands.

Read more about the launch and the project in our latest newsletter: