Michael Bloomberg and "Stop & Frisk" by Nina Berman — NOOR

Michael Bloomberg and "Stop & Frisk" by Nina Berman

Candidate for the Democratic Party nomination Michael Bloomberg has been under attack from his past actions as mayor of New York City, especially for enforcing the "Stop and Frisk" policy he put in place. ​

​Nina Berman has been documenting NYPD's Stop and Frisk since 2011: "You could spend many nights on neighborhood cop-watch patrols and never see stop-and-frisks, so I looked for other things, too: the anger and outrage and sense of humiliation long after the stop-and-frisk ends. People I met saw stop-and-frisk as part of a broader pattern of police harassment and violence."

Nina Berman / NOOR

Nina Berman / NOOR