Pop-Up Exhibition 'The Leathermen of Pakistan' by Asim Rafiqui — NOOR

Pop-Up Exhibition 'The Leathermen of Pakistan' by Asim Rafiqui


© Asim Rafiqui / NOOR

NOOR, Oxfam Novib and SOMO are pleased to invite you to the Pop-Up Exhibition The Leathermen of Pakistan by NOOR photographer Asim Rafiqui at Humanity House. 


For Oxfam and SOMO, Asim Rafiqui travelled to Karachi to document the deplorable working conditions of Pakistan’s leather industry workers.


Asim Rafiqui will present his work and share his experience in Pakistan. 



When: Tuesday, December 20th, 16: 00- 18:00


Where: Humanity House, Prinsegracht 8, The Hague, The Netherlands





16.00: Welcome by the moderator

16.05: Multimedia presentation

16.15: Intro to Pakistan's leather industry by SOMO researcher Martje Theuws

16.30: Presentation by Asim Rafiqui (NOOR)

17.00: Drinks



© Asim Rafiqui / NOOR

The leather tanning industry in Pakistan employs about 500,000 Pakistanis who do precarious work under deplorable labour conditions. Chemicals and heavy machinery are used without protective equipment whilst labourers work long hours and still do not earn enough to make a decent living. Leather workers are hired through contractors and have no job security. The leather they produce accounts for 5.4% of Pakistan’s total exports and often ends up in clothing and accessories sold by brands in Europe and the United States.
