Fotoinmotion — Newsroom — NOOR


Kadir van Lohuizen tests Nikon's first stereoscopic imaging prototype


Today was a very inspiring day at the NOOR office in Amsterdam. Thanks to Nikon Europe and Frank Zuidweg from Nikon Professional Services and NOOR Technical Partners on FotoInMotion Project, QdepQ, Nikon Ambassador Kadir van Lohuizen was able to explore the first prototype ever done for stereo imaging.

FotoInMotion is a project born from an innovative format that transforms a single photograph into a dynamic, high quality video for storytelling and branding. The FotoInMotion tool will allow both professional content producers and creative citizens to rapidly produce videos with automated editing functions and dynamic effects driven by AI-powered object identification and advanced 3D technology.

Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union, NOOR, as pilot partner of FotoInMotion, is very excited to have tested this new technological tool and a new way of storytelling in order to create global impact.