Paris Photo — Newsroom — NOOR

Paris Photo

Olga Kravets | Present at Paris Photo and "Salon de la Photo" in Paris

Signed copies of Olga Kravets' "Grozny: Nine Cities" book will be available at the stand of Dewi Lewis Publishing in Grand Palais, booth SE17, during Paris Photo 2019.

“Grozny: Nine Cities” is a cross-media project on the aftermath of two Chechen wars between 2009 and 2018: a book, a web-documentary, an exhibition. This is a collaborative project with photographers and filmmakers Maria Morina, Oksana Yushko, Olga Kravets, and curator Anna Shpakova

Nikon Ambassador Olga Kravets will be talking at “Salon de la Photo” in Paris. You can find Nikon France’s stand is at 5.2 E 067