Alixandra Fazzina

call for applications: international diploma


The Danish School of Media and Journalism, NOOR Images, and the World Press Photo Foundation join forces in a new international diploma program for documentary photographers and photojournalists


Three of the major players within documentary photography and photojournalism are collaborating on an international diploma program in documentary photography. The program is designed to equip participants with skills to work effectively in the new media economy.


The transforming media landscape has rapidly decreased opportunities in editorial assignments for visual journalists. This means that the skill set of documentary photographers and photojournalists has to change.


That is why the Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX), NOOR Images, and the World Press Photo Foundation, have joined forces to launch a Diploma in Documentary Photography - thereby combining outstanding educational formats and content from DMJX, instruction from the world renowned documentary photographers of NOOR Images, and the World Press Photo Foundation's unique insight into current industry practices and debates.


The diploma program is approved by the Danish Ministry of Education making it a formal program within the international ECTS-system. At the same time the program is geared for enabling students to work in the real world, which is a key focus for the partners, who want to refine the skills of those already working with documentary photography, as well as those working with journalism or communication in other ways, whom have some visual media skills and ambitions.


A complete diploma – or single modules

The diploma education consists of different modules and it is possible for participants to finish a complete diploma by combining modules that fit their needs and wishes. In addition, it is possible to take a single module or selected modules if participants want to learn more about a particular topic.


The first course will begin in May 2017 and cover Documentary Photography Projects. The second course, The Short Documentary Film, is scheduled for the fall.


“As a documentary photographer you can’t just rely on assignments or tasks coming to you. You have to be able to develop, research, pitch, fund, plan and edit a photojournalistic story. Or to put it in another way: You have to be able to make your own story, that’s the focus of the first course,


says Søren Pagter, head of the popular photojournalism education at DMJX, and continues:


In the second course the students learn to supplement still photos and moving images with video and sound thereby strengthening the visual storytelling toolbox.”


Projects and individual coaching

A feature of the courses is that students will create actual projects during the course and receive individual coaching before, during and after the production of their story.


The first course starts and ends with workshops in Amsterdam, and students will work on their projects in the time in between.


“We, at NOOR, believe that it’s part of our mission to encourage and support photojournalism and documentary photographers around the world. Education is an important tool to tell stories that will impact humanity, raise awareness, and enhance a better and free understanding of the world,”


explains Clément Saccomani, managing director from the NOOR Foundation.


Three other courses are being developed and will be announced in the fall of 2017. They cover photographing people, reaching audiences with ones work, and business skills.


For more info visit:


november amsterdam workshop with alixandra fazzina & sebastian liste

NOOR is exited to team up with the FOTOfactory to bring NOOR’s teaching photographers to canal-side education center in Amsterdam’s Jordaan district. The intimate & rigorous four-day program will focus on documentary photography & self-directed project development.

Award-winning photographers, Alixandra Fazzina (UK) & Sebastián Liste (ES) will share their practices, passions & expertise to guide participants, but also to push them to think differently about their work. Both photographers are known for their independent, in-depth and long-term projects. This will be the first time Alixandra & Sebastián are teaching together - we invite you to join us in NOOR's home-city, Amsterdam, for this special opportunity.

Participants are encouraged to engage, share, question and debate. Tutors and students work closely together in an informal environment and learn through the process of exchange, dialogue and hands-on practice.  Participants will get the most out of the workshop when they focus on a project they have in mind (can be at conception phase, in development or production, currently on hold, something they want to pursue in the future...).




Workshop 24-27 November 2016

The workshop will be conducted in English

Workshop price: €615 exclusive VAT

Location: the FOTOfactory, Keizersgracht 82-bg, 1015 CT, Amsterdam


Topics to be covered include:


  • Visual narrative, image selection & editing
  • ‘The Ethics of Getting Close:’ Considerations for working with dignity & compassion as a photographer. A lecture that will challenge participating photographers to think about restraints & ethical considerations when documenting people’s lives on camera in the modern age.
  • Research, story preparation & best practices for working in the field with subjects, fixers & translators.
  • Captioning, preparing your work for presentation, tips on professional project proposal writing
  • Getting your work out into the world – platforms, dissemination (editorial, exhibitions, books, online), new media
  • Alixandra Fazzina - presentation & discussion on her work ‘A Million Shillings: Escape from Somalia,’ Presentation of book & project that will touch on ideas regarding developing project concepts & making long-term projects
  • Sebastián Liste - Presentation from on ‘An Intimate Pandemic: 2009-2016,’ his project on cultures of violence in Latin America & his approach to long-term projects






  • Basic experience in photography or photojournalism (please indicate in work & education experience sections of Application Form)
  • English fluency (the workshop will be conducted in English)
  • Good technical understanding of your camera equipment


To Apply:


  • Complete Application Form, including your Motivation (500 words maximum), Work Experience (200 words maximum) & Education Experience (200 words maximum)
  • The form will also prompt you to submit an image portfolio by making a blog and sending us the link. (Please find a tutorial for making the blog here) This portfolio must include the following:
    • At least one photo story (minimum 8 images)
    • Maximum 30 images total
    • No more than 8 single images (images which are not part of a photo story)
    • All images should be accompanied by a concise caption
    • For any photo story, please include a title and brief introduction

Photo © Sebastian Liste / NOOR

zurich workshop with pep bonet & alixandra fazzina

NOOR-Keystone Workshop with Pep Bonet & Alixandra Fazzina:

Developing Long-term Documentary Photography Projects 

We are delighted to announce this two-day workshop in Zurich in collaboration with Keystone. NOOR photographers Pep Bonet and Alixandra Fazzina will lead this workshop for photographers & industry professionals who would like to learn more about how to develop and manage long-term documentary photography projects.


Using their own projects & experience as tangible reference, Pep & Alixandra will address project conception, research, preproduction & project dissemination - with the goal to help participants develop & execute their own impactful & innovative documentary photo projects.


Dates: 26-27 October 2016


Application Deadline: 2 October 2016


Fee: CHF 750, including lunch on both days

 (Does not include travel, accommodation or additional meals)


The workshop will be conducted in English.


The workshop is limited to 20 participants maximum.


>>> View provisional program here


Location: Keystone Foyer, Grubenstrasse 45, 8045 Zürich, Switzerland




To apply send a PDF file to before 23:59 C.E.T. Sunday 2 October 2016 not exceeding 6 MB including:


  • A concise statement of motivation describing why you are interested in this workshop in particular, what you hope to learn from it & how it relates to your experiences & ambitions. (300 words maximum)

  • A portfolio of 8-15 sequenced images, preferably including at least one photo story or series


Please send your application with subject line ’ZURICH WORKSHOP' to: before 23:59 C.E.T. Sunday 2 October 2016.


For any questions or additional information please contact



Ausschreibung - Fotografie-Workshop mit NOOR zur Entwicklung dokumentarischer Langzeitprojekte


Gerne kündigen wir den zweitägigen Workshop in Zusammenarbeit mit unserer Partneragentur NOOR an. Die Ausschreibung richtet sich an professionelle Fotografinnen und Fotografen, jedoch auch an Leute, die mit Fotografie arbeiten und lernen möchten, wie man ein fotografisches Langzeitprojekt entwickelt und bewerkstelligt. Der Workshop wird unter der Leitung der beiden erfahrenen NOOR-Fotografen Alixandra Fazzina und Pep Bonet durchgeführt.

Mit ihren eigenen Projekten und Erfahrungen als greifbare Referenz, werden die beiden Workshop-Tutoren auf die Projektkonzeption, die Recherche in Bezug auf fotografische Projekte, die Vorproduktion und die Verarbeitung von Langzeit-projekten eingehen – mit dem Ziel, den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern wichtige Instrumente zur wirkungsvollen Planung und innovativen Ausführung ihrer eigenen dokumentarischen Projekte mitzugeben.   





Daten:  26.-27. Oktober 2016


Anmeldeschluss:  2. Oktober 2016


Kosten:  CHF 750, inklusive Mittagessen

Diese Kosten schliessen Anreise, Unterkunft und zusätzliche Verpflegung während des Workshops nicht ein.


Ort: KEYSTONE-Foyer, Grubenstrasse 45, CH-8045 Zürich, Schweiz


Der Workshop wird in Englisch geführt.


Der Workshop ist limitiert auf maximal 20 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer.




Für die Bewerbung schicken Sie bitte bis spätestens Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2016, 23:59 Uhr, ein PDF an Dieses PDF sollte 6MB nicht überschreiten, in Englisch verfasst sein und folgendes beinhalten:


  • Ein kurzes, präzises Motivationsschreiben, das erklärt, warum Sie an diesem Workshop teilnehmen möchten und was Sie von diesem Workshop in Bezug auf Ihre eigene Arbeit erwarten (max. 300 Wörter). 



  • Ein Portfolio mit 8 - 15 aufeinanderfolgenden Bildern (Sequenz), vorzugsweise eine Reportage oder eine Serie.

Bitte schicken Sie Ihre Bewerbung mit dem Vermerk "ZURICH WORKSHOP"

bis spätestens Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2016, 23:59 Uhr, an:


Für Fragen und zusätzliche Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an oder an   




noor women at tbilisi photo festival 2016


Welcome NOOR photographers at Tbilisi Photo Festival 2016, an annual international photography festival in the Caucasus region. This  year TPF will host NOOR photographers: Alixandra Fazzina, Tanya Habjouqa and Benedicte Kurzen, who will be involved in a series of events dedicated to the special theme "Women in Photography".



A panel discussion will take place on September 19 moderated by Anna Alix Koffi, creator and editor-in-chief of OFF the wall photobook. 



On September 20, Tania Habjouqa will present some of the many highlights of the Arab Documentary Program. This training program features the work of twenty Arabic photographers working from Morocco to Somalia.



September 21 TPF participants will have an opportunity to attend “Special Night by Noor Women”, featuring an open air screening of the photographers’ work at Fabrika.



Under the framework of Tbilisi Photo Festival Alixandra Fazzina will lead 4-day intense workshop for emerging female photographers from Georgia. The workshop will take place on September 21-24.




upcoming workshop in amsterdam: noor & the fotofactory


NOOR and the FOTOfactory are pleased to announce an upcoming workshop in documentary photography to be taught by NOOR photographers Alixandra Fazzina (UK) and Sebastián Liste (ES) at the FOTOfactory in Amsterdam from 24 to 27 November 2016.


We’re excited to team up with each other to bring NOOR’s teaching photographers to the FOTOfactory’s canal-side education center in Amsterdam’s Jordaan district.


The intimate and rigorous four-day program will focus on documentary photography. Award-winning photographers, Alixandra and Sebastián will share their practices, passions and expertise to guide participants, but also to push them to think differently about their work. Participants are encouraged to engage, share, question and debate.

Alixandra Fazzina (UK, 1974) is a photographer whose work focuses on under-reported conflicts and the often forgotten humanitarian consequences of war. Studying Fine Art, she began her career as a war artist in Bosnia. Since then, she has worked independently as a photojournalist throughout Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. In 2010 Alixandra was recognized as the winner of the UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award for her fearless and tireless dedication to humanitarian photography throughout her career. Alixandra is the author of ‘A Million Shillings - Escape from Somalia’ (Trolley) which follows the often deadly journey on people smuggling routes from the Horn of Africa. Her long-term project The Flowers of Afghanistan, documents the journeys of Afghan children seeking refuge in Europe. Alixandra is a lecturer and teacher, and is currently based in London.


Sebastián Liste (Spain, 1985) is a documentary photographer and sociologist devoted to document the profound cultural changes and contemporary issues in Latin America and the Mediterranean area. In 2010, while getting his Masters degree in Documentary Photography in Barcelona, he won the Ian Parry Scholarship for his project ‘Urban Quilombo’ and was named young editorial photographer of the year at the Lucie Awards. In 2011 Sebastián was selected for the World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass. In 2012 was announced as the Young Reporter of the Year at Visa pour l'Image festival. He was the recipient of the Magnum EF Grant, the Getty Editorial Grant and the Alexia Foundation Grant. He also received the Fotopres grant in Spain to develop a project in Venezuela, and a World Press Photo prize in 2016 for his story ‘Citizen Journalism in Brazil’s Favelas‘. Most recently, he was awarded the STERN Grant for young photojournalists. Sebastián is a frequent lecturer and is currently based between Spain and Brazil.


Stay tuned for more information on the workshop & how to apply!




alixandra fazzina at panel talk for london photo



Alixandra Fazzina participated in the panel talk "Loose Women" during the Photo London festival on May 22, 2016. The panel was hosted and curated by Cheryl Newman, the award-winning Former Photography Director of the Telegraph Magazine, writer and photography consultant. Alixandra was invited to the panel together with other talented photographers and curators: Zelda Cheatle, Emma Blau, Hannah Watson and Olivia Arthur - to explore the role of women in photography and female photographers across fashion, editorial and documentary photography.


The panelists discussed what obstacles female photographers may have and how they can contribute with fresh perspective. Alixandra shared her experience as female war photographer and lecturer at the Danish School of photography. She discussed her long-term project, which culminated in the book "The Million Shillings: Escape from Somalia" and dismantled some gender labels in her profession:


"I was in a very male-dominated world because essentially I was working with the military most of the time. I felt very-very conscious that I needed to prove myself as a woman. I had to work a lot harder. So, people would not make fun or comment ‘You got in there because you’re a woman’ and you think, ‘No, I actually had to prove myself on the frontline, to get respect from the military'. When I showed that I worked hard, they’d respect me back and give me the access." 


Professional Photography Magazine wrote an article on the panel talk. Find the interview in the July edition.


Watch the discussion here.






alixandra fazzina lecture & workshop: visualizing migration

Lecture: Visualizing Migration

On June 10th 2016, NOOR Photographer Alixandra Fazzina was invited by the Annenberg Space for Photography in Los Angeles to teach a daylong workshop on documentary storytelling & the ethics of getting close to your subjects. The workshop was followed by a public lecture on “Visualizing Migration". During her talk Alixandra shared her experiences chronicling the journeys of refugees and migrants from Somalia to Arabian peninsula, which culminated in the book “A Million Shillings’ Escape from Somalia”.  The lecture was live-streamed and recorded, you can watch it online here.


Photo by Unique Nicole

a million shillings exhibit at musée d’art moderne de la ville de paris




Alixandra Fazzina’s project ‘A Million Shilling – Escape from Somalia’ is showing at Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, as part of the Prix Pictet Finalists Exhibition, running until 13 December 2015.


Across the Horn of Africa, war, abuse and poverty make millions miserable and drive thousands to attempt to flee by sea. The cost is just $50, or one million Somali shillings. With a one in twenty chance of not making it to the other side alive, it is a price they must risk their lives for. 


Alixandra Fazzina worked over a period of two years to chronicle the exodus of migrants and refugees from Somalia to the Arabian Peninsula. For her work on “A Million Shillings – Escape From Somalia”, she was a finalist in the CARE Award for Humanitarian Reportage, the W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography and the Prix Pictet. 

noor at fotografia europea 2015

NOOR Group Photo, May 2015. From left: Asim Rafiqui, Pep Bonet, Kadir van Lohuizen, Benedicte Kurzen, Sebastian Liste, Jon Lowenstein, Francesco Zizola, Andrea Bruce, Nina Berman, Stanley Greene, Alixandra Fazzina.


As HOST program guests of the Italian festival Fotografia Europea 2015, NOOR photographers visited the beautiful town of Reggio Emilia to lead workshops, present a screening and discussion evening, and open their group exhibition, "A NOOR journal on the changing planet, 2009-2015."



Chiostri di San Pietro, exhibition venue for the group show, "NOOR Journal on a Changing Planet 2009-2015," in Reggio Emilia, Italy.


The exhibition, curated by Laura Serani, brings together years of work on climate change and environmental issues around the globe and is on view at the Chiostri di San Pietro until 26 July.


NOOR photographers at the opening of their group show on climate change with curator Laura Serani.


In the days leading up to the festival's official opening, NOOR photographers Stanley Greene, Jon Lowenstein, Sebastian Liste, Andrea Bruce, and Asim Rafiqui guided practical and theoretical workshops in documentary photography. To see a video of the work participants shot during the workshop see here.



Jon Lowenstein guides a workshop on practical elements of photography and editing.


Stanley, Jon, Sebastian and Andrea's workshop participants worked on a shooting assignment covering local food and wine production in the region. One group visited a Parmigiano-Reggiano maturation room in Reggio Emilia.



Workshop participants visit a Parmigiano-Reggiano maturation room.


Workshop group photo with Jon Lowenstein.




The festival HOST program (a project by aBcM) came to a close with NOOR Night, featuring an evening of screenings and discussions with NOOR photographers and moderated by Lars Boering, Director of the World Press Photo. The topic of the evening was "Change: How to Achieve It." 



Lars Boering moderated NOOR Night with photographers Benedicte Kurzen, Jon Lowenstein, Kadir van Lohuizen, Pep Bonet, Andrea Bruce, and Francesco Zizola.



Stanley Greene and Andrea Bruce at NOOR Night.



Following the festival, NOOR members stayed in Reggio Emilia where they held their 8th Annual General Meeting. At the Annual General Meeting, NOOR photographers and staff evaluate agency and foundation activities, and plan how to continue NOOR’s mission in coming years.



All photos by Francesca Pradella 

noor lunch talks with nina berman, francesco zizola, pep bonet, alixandra fazzina & benedicte kurzen at fotografia europea, italy

© Francesco Zizola | NOOR

On Saturday 16 May 2015, as part of the Fotografia Europea festival, NOOR will host 'NOOR Lunch Talks.' Enjoy stimulating, intimate discussion and a delicious meal together. The following photographers will be the topics listed below:


Nina Berman on 'Photography and Social Media'


Francesco Zizola on 'Ethics and Photojournalism'


Pep Bonet on 'Moving into Moving Images', about the power of mixed media


Alixandra Fazzina and Benedicte Kurzen on 'Women; Two Sides of the Camera'. Alixandra and Benedicte will discuss the role of women both behind the camera and as subjects in conflict.


Each applicant will be able to choose the photographer they would like to have the lunch with, and all efforts will be made to accommodate their choice. The lunches will take place at Ristorante Enoteca Il Pozzo.


When: Saturday 16 May 2015

12:30 - 14:30 lunch + talk

14:30 - 15:30 possibility for a short portfolio review


Cost: 85 (including food & festival pass, exclusive of 15 administration costs).


The lunches with Nina Berman, Francesco Zizola and Pep Bonet will each admit 6 to 8 people.

The lunch with Alixandra Fazzina and Benedicte Kurzen will admit 12 to 14 people.


Deadline for registration: Tuesday 28 April 2015 EXTENDED! NEW DEADLINE: 5 May 2015 (before midnight C.E.T.)




1. Please download, fill out, and sign the registration form.

This can be sent via email to:


2. Please make an advance payment of 100 EUR via PayPal

or bank transfer to:

Bank Account holder Stichting Noor Foundation

IBAN code: NL37 INGB 0004288015



Please clearly indicate with the payment your name and what it concerns, so we can track the payment. Please send a receipt of the payment together with the registration form.


Deadline for registration: Tuesday 28 April 2015 EXTENDED! NEW DEADLINE: 5 May 2015 (before midnight C.E.T.)


Participants for the lunches will be provided with necessary information in the form of welcome packs prior to the event and with a free pass for the festival.




Tuition for the lunches does not include flights, accommodations or meals. All on-the-ground expenses are the responsibility of the student.


Once you submit your application, you will be notified within 2 business days after the submissions deadline.


All fees must be paid within three days from acceptance. Students will then be emailed a full welcome package with suggestions for accommodations as well as a guide to Reggio Emilia.


Please note

- NOOR reserves the right to change or alter the program advertised.

- If a participant decides to cancel for whatever reason, it must be confirmed in writing:

. NOOR will reimburse all the registration costs except for €15 administration fee, if the participant informs NOOR of cancellation the day they receive the notification of confirmation for the lunch. Beyond this time limit, NOOR will charge the following:

. 50% of the cost if cancelled between 6 and 12 days before the lunch commences.

. 100% of the cost if cancelled less than 5 days before the lunch commences.

. All lunches that are commenced but not completed through the fault of either the contractor/or participant need to be paid in full.

- NOOR is not responsible for reimbursement of travel expenses in case a lunch is cancelled. We recommend that you buy refundable air tickets and/or travel insurance.

- A €100 application fee is required for each application. If accepted, this balance will be applied to the final tuition. If the student is not accepted, a refund of the application fee will be granted (minus €15 administration costs).


For any questions, or for more information, please contact Valeria Ribaldi.