Alixandra Fazzina — Newsroom — NOOR

Alixandra Fazzina

Million Shillings – Escape from Somalia was featured in VICE Video

Alixandra Fazzina (@alixandrafazzinanoor) tells us about her series A Million Shillings – Escape from Somalia for a new series on @vice & @vicevideo. In it she recalls the harrowing details of the stories behind her photographs; from meeting the smugglers, witnessing executions, and capturing the many lives lost. She titled her work A Million Shillings because a million Somali shillings, about the equivalent of $50, is the price paid by emigrants, or tahrib, risking their lives to embark with smugglers on a perilous voyage across the Gulf of Aden in the search of a better life.

Watch here.

NOOR Urges Action on Climate Emergency


NOOR supports the Global Climate Strike that will take place on September the 20th and encourages everyone to join the movement.


NOOR dedicates September to our Environment

For more than a decade, NOOR Authors have documented our growing climate crisis caused by fossil fuel production and material consumption along with the political forces enabling this planetary catastrophe. Through our work we have also pointed to solutions to help ensure sustainable human presence on this planet. The need for action is urgent.

As world leaders meet in New York City next month and climate actions are planned world wide, we will dedicate the month of September to sharing stories on the environment from our archive and works in progress. Please follow these stories on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

We encourage our media partners, researchers, and our community to do the same.

Alixandra Fazzina | Essay for Tortoise Media on Yemeni Migration

Veering round a bend on the rutted coastal road, the truck screeched to a standstill. As the heat of the morning sun pushed past 40 degrees, they found them. Two teenage boys, dead under a tree.
Alixandra Fazzina / NOOR

Alixandra Fazzina / NOOR

Alixandra Fazzina wrote an essay on her powerful long-term project on the transfer of people between the Horn of Africa and Yemen for Tortoise Media.

Alixandra Fazzina | Interview with NZZ about Yemini seeking refuge in Somalia and Djibouti

In NZZ, Alixandra Fazzina talks about her long-term project on the transfer of people between the Horn of Africa and Yemen. Somalia and Djibouti have long been a kind of springboard for African migrants who want to reach the rich Arab countries via Yemen. Now this human stream intersects with that of the war refugees from Yemen.

© Alixandra Fazzina / NOOR

© Alixandra Fazzina / NOOR

NOOR at ImageSingulières | Workshop

This intensive 2-day workshop, led by NOOR authors Alixandra Fazzina and Leonard Pongo, will allow emerging photographers to develop their documentary project – from conception to dissemination.

This workshop will provide both relevant industry insights as well as individual feedback and advice for each participating photographer. This workshop will take place in English.

© Alixandra Fazzina / NOOR

© Alixandra Fazzina / NOOR

The workshop will take place on May 30th & 31st 2019, at the Ancien Collège Victor Hugo, Sète, France

Alixandra Fazzina | Yemen Contraflow in April's issue of Mare Magazine

Following on from her work A Million Shillings, over the past year Alixandra Fazzina has been documenting new patterns of mixed migration to and from Yemen and the Horn of Africa, working closely with refugees and within the clandestine world of people smugglers. The first part of the project will be published in the upcoming April issue of Mare magazine.

NOOR and its partners awarded funding by Google Digital News Innovation Fund

With its partners World Crunch and Internazionale, we are proud to share that NOOR was awarded funding by the Google Digital News Innovation Fund to develop a new collaborate project "Pix.T: The Blockchain-Driven Marketplace For Photojournalism, Digital Publishing & Exclusive Art Photo Prints".

Pix.T aims to create a vast new marketplace at the service of both photojournalism and online news operations. Turning the digital-print dichotomy on its head, we will build an innovative e-commerce platform powered by blockchain technology to manage the licensing rights of digital images and scale the selling of limited edition prints to the mass market of digital news readership.


Alixandra Fazzina documents the ongoing crisis in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

43 dead, 130 missing last night en-route to Yemen's war.


Over the past year, Alixandra Fazzina has been documenting refugees in the Horn of Africa and Arabian Peninsula, to be seen soon in MARE. Here seen is the smuggling beach of Godoria, the exact location of the tragedy, pictured where Alixandra Fazzina was with migrants making the same dangerous crossing to Yemen last month.