On Lüderitz Speed Challenge's youtube channel, Pep Bonet shares an insight of his experience and objectives for this year's speed windsurfing challenge, as well as the documentary he's making on the sport.
© Pep Bonet / NOOR
On Lüderitz Speed Challenge's youtube channel, Pep Bonet shares an insight of his experience and objectives for this year's speed windsurfing challenge, as well as the documentary he's making on the sport.
© Pep Bonet / NOOR
In NZZ, Alixandra Fazzina talks about her long-term project on the transfer of people between the Horn of Africa and Yemen. Somalia and Djibouti have long been a kind of springboard for African migrants who want to reach the rich Arab countries via Yemen. Now this human stream intersects with that of the war refugees from Yemen.
© Alixandra Fazzina / NOOR