On Lüderitz Speed Challenge's youtube channel, Pep Bonet shares an insight of his experience and objectives for this year's speed windsurfing challenge, as well as the documentary he's making on the sport.
© Pep Bonet / NOOR
On Lüderitz Speed Challenge's youtube channel, Pep Bonet shares an insight of his experience and objectives for this year's speed windsurfing challenge, as well as the documentary he's making on the sport.
© Pep Bonet / NOOR
NOOR's Pep Bonet has won the Bonaire 2019 Dunkerbeck GPS Speed Worldwide Challenge, with an average speed of 41,26 knots / 76,41km/h (average speed over 500m). Follow Pep Bonet's year long journey to beat the speed world record in Luderitz Speed Challenge, Namibia and his preparation on his Instagram and Facebook page.
© Sebastian Liste / NOOR