Florian Spring


Inside the crocodile nest

Every few years in Kandinge, Papua New Guinea a ceremony takes place where boys turn into manhood by cutting their skin and in this way simulating the pattern of a crocodile skin. After traveling several times to Kandinge I get adopted by a village family. They gave me the chance to document this rare traditional ceremony for the first time.

Florian Spring

Florian Spring finished his apprenticeship as a carpenter in 2011. For some years after, he worked as a freelance decorator, carpenter and museum set constructor. From 2011 to 2014 he lived abroad, traveling with his camera, working in exchange for food and accommodation. By traveling he developed strong and intimate relations to different people and cultures what guides him into going deeper in photography. 2017 he was the winner of the 'Globetrotter World Photo' grant. This allowed him to focus on his projects in Papua New Guinea. Since, he has been working as an assistant and freelance photographer in Switzerland and abroad.