Ronald Pizzoferrato


My love poem to Caracas

The city of Caracas is surreal in the extreme, where mysticism, aggression, brotherhood and hope come together. We are the guardians. It is us, the Caraqueños, who create and destroy their city; where we learn to live with humility, respect, and caution. Because your freedom ends where another’s begins. This city has been abused and blessed by many generations who have suffered, existed and left something behind, which is the reason why the people of Caracas have that subjective beauty. Now, we have shown that we are able to destroy what we love.

Ronald Pizzoferrato

Ronald Pizzoferrato is a freelance documentary photographer, born (*1988) and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, but now based in Bern, Switzerland. He has consecrated himself to document conflicts in his native country Venezuela and focuses upon covering humanitarian crises and social issues on a global level. From 2009 to 2012 he studied documentary photography at Roberto Mata Taller de Fotografía in Caracas. In 2011 he started working as a photojournalist for the Ministry of Environment in Venezuela. In 2018, he was named as a winner of the Globetrotter World Photo Contest and his work will be presented in Bern in autumn 2019. This year and in the precedent year, he won the Latin American Fotografía 6 (AIAP) and he was selected by the Cantonale Berne Jura to take part in three collective exhibitions. Furthermore, he is currently studying for a Master's degree at the Zurich University of the Arts.