#RisingSeasKvL — Newsroom — NOOR


Kadir van Lohuizen | Preview of "After us the deluge" series at AFFR

NOOR visual-storyteller Kadir van Lohuizen presented a preview of his latest NTR programme series Na ons de zondvloed at the Architectuur Filmfestival Rotterdam. His 4-movie series dives into the human consequences of rising sea levels.

© Kadir van Lohuizen / NOOR

© Kadir van Lohuizen / NOOR

Kadir van Lohuizen | Opening of the "Rising Tide" exhibition

Kadir van Lohuizen's exhibition on the rising sea levels opened at the Het Scheepvaartmuseum on October 4, 2019. “Rising Tide” is a mix between old and new work and will be exhibited until May 10, 2020.

© Isabel Bonnet

© Isabel Bonnet


Date: October 4, 2019—May 10, 2020
Maritime Museum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Kadir van Lohuizen | Rising Tide at the Maritime Museum

Kadir van Lohuizen's long-term project on the sea level rise will be exhibited at the Maritime Museum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Rising Sea Levels project is designed to highlight both the immense complexities associated with in-island and inter-island/country movement, as well as the specific human rights implications involved with such involuntary movements.

I have been looking at the global consequences of rising sea levels caused by climate change. Today, no one any longer doubts that glaciers the world over are retreating, and even more worryingly that Greenland and Antartica are melting at an increasing pace.
— Kadir van Lohuizen
© Kadir van Lohuizen / NOOR

© Kadir van Lohuizen / NOOR

Date: October 4, 2019—May 10, 2020
Location: Maritime Museum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

kadir van lohuizen | s.o.s. miami, rising sealevels published in stern


Published in Stern Magazine, Kadir van Lohuizen returned to Miami as part of his extensive work on rising sea levels. "Glimmering new buildings, dark future - the rising sea-level is causing serious problems for Miami."


Have a look at Kadir's Rising Sea Levels project here, and see more images from Miami here.