NOOR photographers and Nikon Ambassadors Benedicte Kurzen and Sanne De Wilde won the jury prize in China at Lianzhou Foto for their series "Land of Ibeji". They showcased their photos as part of the “A Chance for the Unpredictable” exhibition.
Bénédicte Kurzen & Sanne De Wilde present "Land of Ibeji" in Vienna, Austria
Sanne De Wilde and Benedicte Kurzen talked about their project "Land of Ibeji" at WestLicht. Schauplatz für Fotografie on October 16, as part of the World Press Photo Exhibition worldwide.
© Rachele Moriggi / WestLicht
Bénédicte Kurzen | "Violence in Nigeria" featured in MSF and exhibited in Paris
Criminal groups and extreme violence in the northwestern Nigerian state of Zamfara have caused hundreds of thousands of people to flee their villages and seek shelter in the town of Anka.
© Bénédicte Kurzen / NOOR
Bénédicte Kurzen's project on violence in Nigeria is featured in Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)'s website.
From October 1st until November 2nd, her project will be exhibited in Paris. Nikon Ambassador Bénédicte Kurzen spoke about “Violence in Nigeria” on October the 5th.
Kadir van Lohuizen | Preview of "After us the deluge" series at AFFR
NOOR visual-storyteller Kadir van Lohuizen presented a preview of his latest NTR programme series Na ons de zondvloed at the Architectuur Filmfestival Rotterdam. His 4-movie series dives into the human consequences of rising sea levels.
© Kadir van Lohuizen / NOOR
Jon Lowenstein | Exhibition at The Gallery Club in Amsterdam and Haarlem
Jon Lowenstein will exhibit his project "South Side" at The Gallery Club, a platform for photography. There will be an Open House in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on October 13, from 1 P.M. to 6 P.M. and in Haarlem on October 26, from 3 P.M. to 5 P.M.
© Jon Lowenstein / NOOR
Kadir van Lohuizen | Opening of the "Rising Tide" exhibition
Kadir van Lohuizen's exhibition on the rising sea levels opened at the Het Scheepvaartmuseum on October 4, 2019. “Rising Tide” is a mix between old and new work and will be exhibited until May 10, 2020.
© Isabel Bonnet
Date: October 4, 2019—May 10, 2020
Location: Maritime Museum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Francesco Zizola | "In the Same Boat" exhibited at the Centre Méditerranéen de La Photographie, Corsica
Francesco Zizola will exhibit his project "In the Same Boat" at the Centre Méditerranéen de la Photographie from October 3rd until October 26.
© Francesco Zizola / NOOR
Jon Lowenstein | "Shadow Lives" exhibited at the Soho Photo Gallery in NYC
Jon Lowenstein's project "Shadow Lives" is currently being exhibited at the Soho Photo Gallery in New York City as part of the "immigrants" exhibition. You can go until October 19, 2019.
© Anastasia Page
Benedicte Kurzen & Sanne De Wilde | Land of Ibeji at the 2019 World Press Photo Exhibition in Montreal, Canada
From August 28th to September 29th, the travelling exhibition of the World Press Photo Exhibition arrives to Montreal, Canada. Sanne De Wilde and Bénédicte Kurzen will be there for the exhibition opening where they'll showcase their project "Land of Ibeji" by NOOR, that was made possible with the Nikon European Ambassador Grant.
© Esther de Jongh
NOOR at ImageSingulières | Nina Berman | Exhibition
An Autobiography of Miss Wish | Nina Berman
An Autobiography of Miss Wish is a story of two closely related lives, the photographer and her "subject", working closely together to create a unique enigmatic book that pushes the boundaries of documentary narration.
The project brings together heart-rending archive footage depicting crime scenes and flashbacks, psychiatric hospital reports, diary pieces / snippets / personal notes, personal effects, letters and messages between the photographer and the protagonist: Miss Wish.