Newsroom — NOOR

Sanne De Wilde, Sebastian Liste and Kadir van Lohuizen talk at the f2 Dortmund Festival

NOOR visual-storytellers Sanne De Wilde, Sebastián Liste and Kadir van Lohuizen will present a lecture on which form can be creatively helped to create justice at f2 Fotofestival Dortmund on November 8 and 9.

Date: Friday, November 8, 2019

10am: Sanne De Wilde

11am: Sebastian Liste

Location: FH Dortmund

Entrance fee: free entrance

Date: Saturday, November 9, 2019

6pm: Kadir van Lohuizen

Location: FH Dortmund

Entrance fee: free entrance

Kadir van Lohuizen tests Nikon's first stereoscopic imaging prototype


Today was a very inspiring day at the NOOR office in Amsterdam. Thanks to Nikon Europe and Frank Zuidweg from Nikon Professional Services and NOOR Technical Partners on FotoInMotion Project, QdepQ, Nikon Ambassador Kadir van Lohuizen was able to explore the first prototype ever done for stereo imaging.

FotoInMotion is a project born from an innovative format that transforms a single photograph into a dynamic, high quality video for storytelling and branding. The FotoInMotion tool will allow both professional content producers and creative citizens to rapidly produce videos with automated editing functions and dynamic effects driven by AI-powered object identification and advanced 3D technology.

Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union, NOOR, as pilot partner of FotoInMotion, is very excited to have tested this new technological tool and a new way of storytelling in order to create global impact.

Bénédicte Kurzen & Sanne De Wilde present "Land of Ibeji" in Vienna, Austria

Sanne De Wilde and Benedicte Kurzen talked about their project "Land of Ibeji" at WestLicht. Schauplatz für Fotografie on October 16, as part of the World Press Photo Exhibition worldwide.

© Rachele Moriggi / WestLicht

© Rachele Moriggi / WestLicht

Sanne De Wilde & Francesco Zizola | Workshops at Photolux Festival in Lucca, Italy

Sanne De Wilde and Francesco Zizola will be teaching this year at Photolux Festival, in Lucca Italy.

© Francesco Zizola / NOOR

© Francesco Zizola / NOOR

Sanne De Wilde's workshop will be themed around "Visual Narration and Editing" and will be taking place between November 16 and November 17.

Francesco Zizola will be working on "Re-thinking Photography" with his students, and his workshop will take place between December 7 and December 8.


Bénédicte Kurzen | "Violence in Nigeria" featured in MSF and exhibited in Paris

Criminal groups and extreme violence in the northwestern Nigerian state of Zamfara have caused hundreds of thousands of people to flee their villages and seek shelter in the town of Anka.

© Bénédicte Kurzen / NOOR

© Bénédicte Kurzen / NOOR

Bénédicte Kurzen's project on violence in Nigeria is featured in Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)'s website.

From October 1st until November 2nd, her project will be exhibited in Paris. Nikon Ambassador Bénédicte Kurzen spoke about “Violence in Nigeria” on October the 5th.

Kadir van Lohuizen | Preview of "After us the deluge" series at AFFR

NOOR visual-storyteller Kadir van Lohuizen presented a preview of his latest NTR programme series Na ons de zondvloed at the Architectuur Filmfestival Rotterdam. His 4-movie series dives into the human consequences of rising sea levels.

© Kadir van Lohuizen / NOOR

© Kadir van Lohuizen / NOOR

Jon Lowenstein | Exhibition at The Gallery Club in Amsterdam and Haarlem

Jon Lowenstein will exhibit his project "South Side" at The Gallery Club, a platform for photography. There will be an Open House in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on October 13, from 1 P.M. to 6 P.M. and in Haarlem on October 26, from 3 P.M. to 5 P.M.

© Jon Lowenstein / NOOR

© Jon Lowenstein / NOOR

Kadir van Lohuizen | Opening of the "Rising Tide" exhibition

Kadir van Lohuizen's exhibition on the rising sea levels opened at the Het Scheepvaartmuseum on October 4, 2019. “Rising Tide” is a mix between old and new work and will be exhibited until May 10, 2020.

© Isabel Bonnet

© Isabel Bonnet


Date: October 4, 2019—May 10, 2020
Maritime Museum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Francesco Zizola | "In the Same Boat" exhibited at the Centre Méditerranéen de La Photographie, Corsica

Francesco Zizola will exhibit his project "In the Same Boat" at the Centre Méditerranéen de la Photographie from October 3rd until October 26.

© Francesco Zizola / NOOR

© Francesco Zizola / NOOR